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Entering Values and Expressions
on the Calculator Screen

screen small

You have chosen the Calculator application and a blank screen sits in front of you.

Let's take a look at how values and expressions can be entered on this screen.

Entries will vary slightly between the CAS and non-CAS versions of the TI-Nspire. Differences will be noted where applicable.


1. Automatic parentheses:
Functions requiring parentheses, show BOTH sides of the parentheses immediately. No more lost right hand parenthesis. Yea!!

automatic parentheses Notice how both parentheses appear when the sin function in entered.

2. "Pretty Print": Math statements will "look" like true math statements once they are entered. Consider: pretty pre

Pretty print While entries may still be typed into the calculator as a single line entry, when the ENTER key is hit, these fractions will appear in a textbook stacked format.

3. Templates and Symbols:
(Accessed with CTRL - for accessing the TOP of the key.)

When using the templates, the process is much like using the software MathType.

template CAT
Symbols -

Symbol List
template MULT

Math List
Hit the right arrow
to "move out" of a template.

template DIV
Quick Fraction template
Enter the numerator, then this key, then the denominator. Arrow right to leave template.

Things to remember about templates:

Once "inside" a template, remember to "exit" the template when you have finished the entry requiring the template. Using the right arrow will move you out of a template.

The arrow keys will move you around "inside" a template which requires more than one entry.


4. Approximation:
If your calculator is set to AUTO and you enter 3/4, your answer will be 3/4.

If you want the decimal equivalent (approximation), hit CTRL - ENTER.

5. Variable Names:
Be careful: This calculator is not limited to the 26 single letters of the alphabet as variable names. For example, the calculator will accept ab as a variable name.

On this calculator ab does not mean a•b.
Also, xy does not mean x• y.

6. Defining Variables:                When a variable is defined, it will turn BOLD.
(On non-CAS): If you type "a" and hit ENTER, you will most likely get a message telling you "The Variable is Undefined".
(On CAS): If you type "a" and hit ENTER, you will get "a" as a response.

1. To define a value using the STO command: STO
Type the numerical value you wish to store, hit CTRL - STO, enter the variable name, and hit ENTER.
                         12 arrow a

NOTE: The values you define, will only be defined for the problem upon which you are working.
Starting a new problem will have empty variables.

2. To define a value using "colon equal" notation: Colonequal (Keys are on the borders of the keypad.)
Type the variable name, followed by colon equal, followed by the value to be stored, and hit ENTER.
                         b : = 7

3. To define a value, temporarily, using "such that" notation: such that (Gray button to the right of CTRL)
Type the expression you wish to evaluate, followed by "such that", followed by the variable name set equal to its assigned value, and hit ENTER.
   x • (x + 5) | x = -12      This method will ONLY assign the value of -12 to x for this one computation. The -12 will not be stored in x for future use.
7. Retrieving Past Entries:    
To retrieve a past entry, use the NavPad to up arrow until you highlight the entry you need. Simply press ENTER and that entry will appear on a new line. 

8. To Clear All Entries
To clear the screen of all entries (all history), MENU, #1 Actions, arrow right, #5 Clear History.
               MENU - right arrow - #5 

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